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  • Onderzoek naar de Sixth Armored Infantry Battalion

    Als re-enactment vereniging hebben we onderzoek gedaan naar de soldaten van de 6th Armored Infantry Battalion, vanaf het moment dat zij in training gingen in de Verenigde Staten tot de overgave van Nazi-Duitsland.

    Hier vindt u verder diverse foto's van de Sixth Armored in actie.

  • The campaign of the "Super Sixth"

    Deze plattegrond van de Normandische kust tot aan Dresden geeft de route weer die de 6th Armored Division heeft afgelegd sinds dat zij op Utah Beach waren geland op 18 juli 1944.

    Volg de datums aan de linkerkant van de kaart om een samenvatting te lezen van deze route, of sleep de kaart langs de aangegeven punten.

  • 18 July 1944

    The 6th armored landed on Utah Beach on D-day.

    1 august 1944

    Traveled past Avranches and Pontaubault, advanced on Pontorson and captured two bridges after a stiff battle.

    7 august 1944

    The 6th encountered heavy resisteance of the German 266th division in the area of Brest. After a battle of 6 days Brest was contained by the 6th Armored.

    14 August 1944

    The 6th relieved the 4th Armored and contained Lorient.

    22 September 1944

    Heavy battles north of Nancy, near Armacourt-Leyr, restored Corps MLR in vicinity of Foret de Gremecey on 1st of October.

    10 November 1944

    The 6th armored turned North, crossed the Seille river and began their battle towards the Saar river. During their campaign, they captured two bridges over the Nied river and 13 strong defended towns with in three days.

    27 November 1944

    The defending German troops where pushed back towards the Siegfried line, after delay by enemy anti-tank ditches, road blocks and anti-tank guns.

    24 December 1944

    The 6th Armored is ordered to Metz, enroute to Belgium, to help halt the German Ardennes offensive.

    26 December 1944

    The division entered the battle of the Bulge, just for a defensive role.

    31 December 1944

    The 6th Armored joined the extremely bitter fights at Bastogne. The german divisions tried to surround Bastogne and capture it, which resulted in intense fights.

    9 January 1945

    Turning Point in the Battle of the Bulge. The German attacks became weaker and the 6th Armored struck northeast from Bastogne and captured Margaret at 13 January 1945.

    21 February 1945

    Ater the 6th crossed the Siegfried Line, they captured 32 towns, 253 pillboxes and over 1000 prisoners, but was forced to advance on a different direction due heavy resistance of the enemy. After crossing the Nims River, they captured Schonecken.

    10 March 1945

    The division returned to their old battle grounds in Lorraine, and passed the Siegfried Line for a second time.

    21 March 1945

    Traveling 60 miles in 18 hours to reach the Rhine river, capturing the town of Rhein-Durkheim.

    25 March 1945

    Crossed the Rhine river and captured Morfelden, Wixhausen, Russelsheim and Raunheim.

    26 March 1945

    Advancing towards Frankfurt, towns were captured. Encountered heavy resistance when trying to capture bridges enroute to Frankfurth, but captured the city on the 26th of March.

    30 March 1945

    Capturing Alsfeld, Hornberg and Harte, while racing towards the Eder river. 8000 prsioners where taken during this day.

    2 April 1945

    6th armored crossed the Wehre river and captured many towns, including Reichensachsen and Adelhausen.

    11 April 1945

    After destroying resistance of 1500 German troops reinforced with tanks 6th armored traveled 60 miles to cross the Saale river and freed the concentration camp Buchenwald shortly afterwards.

    15 April 1945

    After the 6th armored division crossed another two rivers, they held halt, in await of the arrival of the Russian Army.

  • Bronnen